One franchise that managed to find its momentum after sinking for a long time, this one sentence seems appropriate to be directed at action games published by Square Enix - Hitman. Already holds the title as one of the best stealth games ever, something very comforting to see the action of Agent 47 now so eagerly awaited action. Good news has been sliding since last year, confirming the existence of the Hitman series for the latest generation platform. You are a gamer who is so curious about this one ambitious product? 2015 will be the year that you forward.
There are so many reasons to look forward to welcoming the latest series Hitman for this latest generation platform. The developer - IO Interactive have prepared themselves engine - Glacier 2 to build this game with better quality. Until now, the IO did not share many details other than an initial concept artwork showing Agent 47 who were standing in an airport. The good news? No need to wait, IO Interactive has promised to share more information and details about this latest Hitman in 2015 also. Although unfortunately, is not described definitely like what details will be announced.
With the new 2015 will be used as a moment to share more details related to this ambitious project, a little bit is not possible to hope that this game will also be released in the same period. How about you? Excited by the Hitman's prime information in the future?