The hype is so strong at the beginning of its introduction to the public, but the results were below expectations - this one sentence seems to explain a phenomenon that occurs with an ambitious project of Bethesda - Elder Scrolls Online. Imagine that the opportunity to enjoy a world of Elder Scrolls along with millions of gamers around the world certainly be a difficult experience to be rejected. Unfortunately, Elder Scrolls Online is not a project that can be called a success. Monthly subscription system and gameplay mechanisms that are apparently different from the main series become the bad point of this games. With customer numbers continue to decline, change the format into Free to Play so something that is unavoidable. If you are a gamer who expects this case, there is good news for you.
Neither Bethesda or ZeniMax Online itself does not provide any official information related to changes in the format of the Elder Scrolls MMO Online from paid be Free to Play. However, there are many policy measures that strengthen the indication will occur this year. First, the abolition of the 6-month subscription system which was introduced at the beginning of the release. Elimination subscription format could be a strong basis that in the next 6 months, there was an announcement Free to Play Elder Scrolls Online. Second? The fact that Bethesda has now begun to attract the all Elder Scrolls Online copies of the market, including from some prominent retailers website.
The strongest signal is increasingly leading to the same conclusion - that Elder Scrolls Online will be games Free to Play in 2015. It is probable that this announcement will be thrown by Bethesda along with further information related version of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One that seemed to sink away since confirmed some time ago.
What about yourself? How many of you would be interested to enjoy this game if it changes the format into the Free to Play games?