Game Informer gives 7 minutes of video clips that show off the latest gameplay of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Accompanying the gameplay, producer Michiteru Okabe also comment on and discuss related matters.
"Revelations of this series, internally [from our side], referred to at the same time treated as a stand-alone IP," said Okabe. "Its existence becomes a way [for us] to combine elements of classic Resident Evil with elements of Resident Evil which is more modern, with a unique balance of these Revelations for the series itself."
"Some of the new elements that we implemented in Revelations 2, of which are stealth elements, that sort of thing ... But, at the same time, I think because the title is not the main title (as usual), it is in fact also restrict our freedom. I think that's where the possibility [for us] to take a big risk and [then] do it out of the box. "
"Make it as a series [which is] a spin-off, it is like giving a special responsibility for us to really understand what the fans actually want to we can give to them."
The game is scheduled to be released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC in early 2015.