No graphics option for Final Fantasy XIII PC??

It's a new that make most PC gamers happy, of course, after waiting long enough, Square Enix finally brings the trilogy of Final Fantasy XIII to PC. Not all at once of course, but gradually with the first series which will be launched in October 2014. The opportunity to experience the early adventures of Lightning and the reason why this series is so much criticized in the past wide open for PC gamers. But of course the process of this port must be addressed with a bit of skepticism. Why? Because Square Enix is not really good when porting games to PC platform, given the problems that had occurred with the PC version of The Last Remant in the past. 

What makes an attractive PC game? Most of us certainly agree, that it should optimally. You always have the option to enjoy the game optimally if it has a strong enough rig, or just ensuring PC games run if you are under the required specifications. However, this option turned out to be severely compromised in Square Enix Final Fantasy XIII for PC version.

This game does not have a visual option at all and not much different from its console versions. Not only that, the evidence also shows FF XIII PC version only runs at 720p resolution, with no option to change it. More bad news? Even the keyboard controls are not intuitive. Not accidentally pressing the "Esc" will automatically kick you out of the game just like that, without any notification.

Fortunately, we can always rely on the modder to act swiftly, not to talk about the game with such high hype. A renowned modder - Durante has begun issuing file fix to help improve the resolution of the PC version of FF XIII's to 1080p. It remains unclear whether Durante will add an extra option other graphics or not in the future.

Thanks for reading..