Shadow of Mordor presents Photo Mode

You can find some games that offer Photo Mode feature at this time, of of them is in Shadow of Mordor. Its main function is to facilitate the gamers when taking screenshots in a variety of  interesting conditions. Moreover, if the game has a magnificent visual quality.

Now, the games again is ready to provide similar features. Through the newly launched update for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, photo mode is present in the game made by Monolith Productions, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.

The update takes plenty of space , which is about 600 to 700MB. To use it, gamers simply need to activate the photo mode in Game Settings, then press the left analog in the middle of the game.

Unfortunately, for Xbox One gamers, this feature photo mode is not very useful. Because the console Microsoft claim it actually does not have a function to take a screenshot. Therefore, photo mode in the Shadow of Mordor is more useful to those who play it on the PS4.

Although it has been present in the PS4 and Xbox One, there is no information whether the same update will also be available on other platforms, such as PC, or not. Thanks for reading..