Sunset Overdrive, latest game from Insomniac Games is so different than the typical shooter similar. Really messed up ... there is no time to rest, you should always be moving, as if energy drinks that triggered all the problems are evident effect on the movement of agile character. And the voice is noisy, but everything is displayed with striking colors, including monsters that should you shoot (in order to explode, resulting in more noise).
Will come on XBOX one 28 October, we get information about the contents of Day One Digital Deluxe Edition, you can initial message via Xbox Live Marketplace. There is a bonus for a copy of the One Day, two additional weapons, Hangover and Acordes de la Muerte. Then they were played on the day of its release Sunset Overdrive would immediately get a mascot costume, Fizzie.
In addition, the Digital Deluxe Day One valuable $ 80 also includes Season Pass (which is actually normally $ 20). Has not disclosed what Season Pass content, but you can expect the new content, costumes, and also two additional traps "Amps" to the character.
This exclusive games tells about the chaos in a city due to the population being turned into a monster / mutant because of overdose energy drink called "Overcharge Delirium XT".
And here are the following of two new gameplay video from Sunset Overdrive: