Rockstar won't delay the GTA V for PC

Since the release of its version of the last gen in 2013 ago, has been a lot of rumors that have rose up on when to schedule the release of GTA V for PC. Finally, Rockstar provide fresh air to the owner of the PC while confirming the current gen version of this game, that the PC version is also ready to go next January 27, 2015.

But the closer towards the release, unpleasant rumors popping. This time, a lot of rumor that Rockstar will again delay the release of this game. This rumor is not without reason, because there are two strong enough evidence to support the rumors. First, whether due to forgetting or already holidays, Rockstar reneged on their promise confirming the PC specs needed to play this game at the end of December 2014. Secondly, there is no official release schedule on GTA V steam page, just read "Early 2015". Though Steam is one of the reliable reference for gamers who want to know a game release schedule.

The question is, with the presence of two strong evidence above, is it true that Rockstar will dissapoint gamers and delay the release date of GTA V for PC?

Gamers who is curious immediately asked the Rockstar in their official forum. Apparently, Rockstar did not want to make the fans anxious to make a statement that they are NOT delay the release of this game! "GTAV will be coming to PC on January 27th,". "We have not announced any changes to the date at this time. "Rockstar answer to this question. Does this answer make quite a relief?

The problem is, until now Rockstar has not officially announced the PC specs needed to play this game. In fact, less than three weeks the game will be released. Compare it with other games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt who has confirmed that the PC specs needed, But the game recently released a few months later. So it seems it is natural that eventually many rumors circulating about the delay ...